Informationen zum Fonds
Name Amundi Funds Global Multi-Asset - A EUR C
ISIN des Fonds LU1883327816
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • LU1883327907
  • LU1883328038
  • LU1883328111
  • LU1883328202
  • LU1883328541
  • LU1883328624
  • LU1883328897
  • LU1883328970
  • LU1883329192
  • LU2183143689
  • LU2183143762
  • ISINs ausklappen ISINs einklappen
Typ des Fonds Mischfonds
Fondsmanagement Amundi Luxembourg SA
Anlageberater Amundi Ireland Ltd
Kategorie ESG-Fonds (lt. Lipper)
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 8
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.10.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 793
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 479,49
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
JP3388200002 Aeon Co Ltd ORD AEON Co. Ltd. 0.04%
NL0000235190 Airbus SE ORD Airbus SE 0.24%
JP3119600009 Ajinomoto Co Inc ORD Ajinomoto Co Inc 0.07%
US0231351067 Inc ORD Amazon 0.84%
US0255371017 American Electric Power Company Inc ORD American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) 0.72%
GB00B1XZS820 Anglo American PLC ORD Anglo American PLC 0.14%
AU000000APA1 APA Group APA Group 0.01%
US0378331005 Apple Inc ORD Apple Inc 1.36%
JP3118000003 Asics Corp ORD Asics Corp. 0.02%
PHY0486V1154 Ayala Corp ORD Ayala Corporation 0.02%
BRBPACUNT006 Banco BTG Pactual SA BTG Pactual G7 Holding SA 0.01%
AU000000BHP4 BHP Group Ltd ORD BHP Group Ltd 0.13%
GB0007980591 BP PLC ORD BP plc 0.15%
CNE100000296 BYD Co Ltd ORD BYD 0.04%
JP3242800005 Canon Inc ORD Canon 0.09%
MXP225611567 Cemex SAB de CV Cemex SAB de CV 0.01%
BRELETACNOR6 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA ORD Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (Eletrobras) 0.02%
US17275R1023 Cisco Systems Inc ORD Cisco Systems Inc. 1.15%
HK0002007356 CLP Holdings Ltd ORD CLP Holdings Ltd 0.02%
US1258961002 CMS Energy Corp ORD CMS Energy Corp 0.55%
US1912161007 Coca-Cola Co ORD Coca-Cola Co 0.76%
FR0000125007 Compagnie de Saint Gobain SA ORD Saint Gobain S.A. 0.12%
JP3481800005 Daikin Industries Ltd ORD Daikin Industries Ltd. 0.06%
JP3505000004 Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd ORD Daiwa House Group 0.03%
US26441CBP95 Duke Energy Corp 15-JAN-2082 Duke Energy Corporation 0.12%
US2791581091 ECOPETROL ADR REP 20 ORD Ecopetrol SA 0.00%
US279158AT64 Ecopetrol SA 8.625% 19-JAN-2029 Ecopetrol SA 0.05%
IT0003128367 Enel SpA ORD Enel SpA 0.15%
JP3386450005 ENEOS Holdings Inc ORD ENEOS Holdings Inc 0.03%
IT0003132476 Eni SpA ORD Eni SpA 0.08%
TW0002603008 Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd ORD Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd 0.02%
JP3802300008 Fast Retailing Co Ltd ORD Fast Retailing 0.12%
AU000000FMG4 Fortescue Ltd ORD Fortescue Ltd 0.02%
INE129A01019 Gail (India) Ltd ORD GAIL (India) Ltd 0.05%
KYG3777B1032 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd ORD Geely 0.03%
MXP370841019 Grupo Mexico SAB de CV ORD Grupo México, S.A.B de C.V. 0.02%
INE038A01020 Hindalco Industries Ltd ORD Hindalco Industries Ltd 0.02%
JP3788600009 Hitachi Ltd ORD Hitachi, Ltd. 0.27%
US4370761029 Home Depot Inc ORD The Home Depot 0.68%
TW0002317005 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd ORD Hon Hai Precision Industry (Foxconn) 0.12%
JP3854600008 Honda Motor Co Ltd ORD Honda Motor Co. Ltd. 0.10%
HK0003000038 Hong Kong and China Gas Co Ltd ORD The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd (Towngas) 0.01%
KR7005382007 Hyundai Motor Co Hyundai Motor Company 0.06%
JP3294460005 Inpex Corp ORD INPEX Corporation 0.03%
US4781601046 Johnson & Johnson ORD Johnson & Johnson 0.85%
JP3205800000 Kao Corp ORD Kao Corp. 0.05%
SG1U68934629 Keppel Ltd ORD Keppel Ltd 0.01%
JP3240400006 Kikkoman Corp ORD Kikkoman Corp. 0.02%
US5007541064 Kraft Heinz Co ORD Kraft Heinz 0.94%
BMG5320C1082 Kunlun Energy Company Ltd ORD China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) 0.01%

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Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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