Informationen zum Fonds
Name Swisscanto (LU) PF Resp Select (CHF) AA
ISIN des Fonds LU0112800569
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • LU0161539233
Typ des Fonds Mischfonds
Fondsmanagement Swisscanto Asset Management International SA
Anlageberater Zuercher Kantonalbank
Kategorie ESG-Fonds (lt. Lipper)
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 8
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 30.11.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 422
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 650,70
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
US02209S1033 Altria Group Inc ORD Altria Group Inc. 0.03%
US0231351067 Inc ORD Amazon 0.30%
US0378331005 Apple Inc ORD Apple Inc 0.50%
US1491231015 Caterpillar Inc ORD Caterpillar Inc. 0.06%
CA15135U1093 Cenovus Energy Inc ORD Cenovus Energy Inc 0.03%
GB00B033F229 Centrica PLC ORD Centrica plc 0.03%
US1667641005 Chevron Corp ORD Chevron Corporation 0.06%
US17275R1023 Cisco Systems Inc ORD Cisco Systems Inc. 0.06%
US1890541097 Clorox Co ORD The Clorox Company 0.02%
CH0297974898 Coca-Cola Co 1% 02-OCT-2028 Coca-Cola Co 0.84%
US1912161007 Coca-Cola Co ORD Coca-Cola Co 0.06%
US1941621039 Colgate-Palmolive Co ORD Colgate-Palmolive Co. 0.03%
FR0000125007 Compagnie de Saint Gobain SA ORD Saint Gobain S.A. 0.01%
US20825C1045 ConocoPhillips ORD ConocoPhillips 0.03%
US22160K1051 Costco Wholesale Corp ORD Costco Wholesale Corporation 0.03%
US1270971039 Coterra Energy Inc ORD Coterra Energy Inc 0.03%
IE0001827041 CRH PLC ORD CRH plc 0.04%
US2310211063 Cummins Inc ORD Cummins Inc. 0.04%
FR0000120644 Danone SA ORD Danone SA 0.03%
US26441C2044 Duke Energy Corp ORD Duke Energy Corporation 0.01%
IT0003128367 Enel SpA ORD Enel SpA 0.02%
FR0010208488 Engie SA ORD Engie SA 0.01%
NO0010096985 Equinor ASA ORD Equinor ASA 0.02%
US30161N1019 Exelon Corp ORD Exelon Corp. 0.03%
US30231G1022 Exxon Mobil Corp ORD Exxon Mobil Corporation 0.05%
AU000000FMG4 Fortescue Ltd ORD Fortescue Ltd 0.03%
PTGAL0AM0009 Galp Energia SGPS SA ORD Galp Energia SGPS SA 0.01%
US3696043013 General Electric Co ORD GE Aerospace 0.05%
US3703341046 General Mills Inc ORD General Mills Inc. 0.03%
GB00BN7SWP63 GSK plc ORD GlaxoSmithKline Plc 0.01%
SE0000106270 H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB ORD H&M 0.01%
CH0012214059 Holcim AG ORD Holcim Ltd 0.29%
US4370761029 Home Depot Inc ORD The Home Depot 0.06%
US40434L1052 HP Inc ORD HP Inc. 0.02%
US4595061015 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc ORD International Flavors & Fragrances 0.03%
US4781601046 Johnson & Johnson ORD Johnson & Johnson 0.08%
FR0000121485 Kering SA ORD Kering S.A. 0.01%
US4943681035 Kimberly-Clark Corp ORD Kimberly-Clark Group 0.04%
US49456B1017 Kinder Morgan Inc ORD Kinder Morgan Inc 0.03%
GB0033195214 Kingfisher PLC ORD Kingfisher 0.02%
US5007541064 Kraft Heinz Co ORD Kraft Heinz 0.03%
US5486611073 Lowe's Companies Inc ORD Lowe's Companies 0.05%
CH1118483747 Macquarie Group Ltd .395% 20-JUL-2028 Macquarie Group Ltd 0.33%
US5801351017 McDonald's Corp ORD McDonald's Corporation 0.03%
US5949181045 Microsoft Corp ORD Microsoft Corporation 0.40%
CH0038863350 Nestle SA ORD Nestlé SA 1.63%
US6516391066 Newmont Corporation ORD Newmont 0.03%
FI0009000681 Nokia Oyj ORD Nokia Corporation 0.01%
US6826801036 ONEOK Inc ORD ONEOK Inc 0.02%
CH0024608827 Partners Group Holding AG ORD Partners Group Holding AG 0.37%

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Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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