Informationen zum Fonds
Name iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD Dist
ISIN des Fonds IE00BCRY6227
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • IE00BGCSB447
Typ des Fonds ETF (Anleihen)
Fondsmanagement BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 30.11.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 741
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 1.838,27
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
US00130HCB96 AES Corp 3.3% 15-JUL-2025 The AES Corporation 0.14%
US02209SBH58 Altria Group Inc 2.35% 06-MAY-2025 Altria Group Inc. 0.15%
US023135BQ82 Inc .8% 03-JUN-2025 Amazon 0.18%
US023135CE44 Inc 13-APR-2025 Amazon 0.31%
US037833DT41 Apple Inc 1.125% 11-MAY-2025 Apple Inc 0.32%
US037833AZ38 Apple Inc 2.5% 09-FEB-2025 Apple Inc 0.12%
US037833BG48 Apple Inc 3.2% 13-MAY-2025 Apple Inc 0.29%
US10373QAB68 BP Capital Markets America Inc 3.796% 21-SEP-2025 BP plc 0.16%
US112585AH72 Brookfield Corp 4% 15-JAN-2025 Brookfield Corporation 0.21%
US12189LAV36 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 3% 01-APR-2025 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 0.05%
US134429BF51 Campbell's Co 3.95% 15-MAR-2025 Campbell Soup Co 0.15%
US136385AZ48 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd 2.05% 15-JUL-2025 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL) 0.13%
US136385AV34 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd 3.9% 01-FEB-2025 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL) 0.09%
US141781BU75 Cargill Inc 22-APR-2025 Cargill Inc 0.15%
US166764BW97 Chevron Corp 1.554% 11-MAY-2025 Chevron Corporation 0.34%
US166756AE66 Chevron USA Inc .687% 12-AUG-2025 Chevron Corporation 0.05%
US17275RAW25 Cisco Systems Inc 3.5% 15-JUN-2025 Cisco Systems Inc. 0.08%
US194162AM58 Colgate-Palmolive Co 15-AUG-2025 Colgate-Palmolive Co. 0.05%
US205887CB65 Conagra Brands Inc 4.6% 01-NOV-2025 ConAgra Brands Inc 0.01%
US126408HD82 CSX Corp 3.35% 01-NOV-2025 CSX Corp 0.02%
US247361ZX93 Delta Air Lines Inc 7% 01-MAY-2025 Delta Air Lines Inc. 0.25%
US25746UCE73 Dominion Energy Inc 3.9% 01-OCT-2025 Dominion Energy Inc 0.10%
US233331BG16 DTE Energy Co 1.05% 01-JUN-2025 DTE Energy Co 0.14%
US26441CBJ36 Duke Energy Corp .9% 15-SEP-2025 Duke Energy Corporation 0.09%
US29250NAY13 Enbridge Inc 2.5% 15-JAN-2025 Enbridge Inc 0.05%
US29278NAP87 Energy Transfer LP 2.9% 15-MAY-2025 Energy Transfer LP 0.16%
US29273RBD08 Energy Transfer LP 4.05% 15-MAR-2025 Energy Transfer LP 0.13%
US29364GAM50 Entergy Corp .9% 15-SEP-2025 Entergy Corporation 0.12%
US29379VBE20 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 3.75% 15-FEB-2025 Enterprise Products Partners LP 0.14%
US26875PAM32 EOG Resources Inc 3.15% 01-APR-2025 EOG Resources Inc 0.01%
US29446MAD48 Equinor ASA 2.875% 06-APR-2025 Equinor ASA 0.02%
US30161NAN12 Exelon Corp 3.95% 15-JUN-2025 Exelon Corp. 0.16%
US30231GAF90 Exxon Mobil Corp 2.709% 06-MAR-2025 Exxon Mobil Corporation 0.21%
US341081FZ53 Florida Power & Light Co 2.85% 01-APR-2025 NextEra Energy Inc 0.17%
US369550BK32 General Dynamics Corp 3.25% 01-APR-2025 General Dynamics 0.08%
US369550BG20 General Dynamics Corp 3.5% 15-MAY-2025 General Dynamics 0.13%
US370334CF96 General Mills Inc 4% 17-APR-2025 General Mills Inc. 0.12%
US37045VAG59 General Motors Co 4% 01-APR-2025 General Motors Co. 0.09%
US37045VAV27 General Motors Co 6.125% 01-OCT-2025 General Motors Co. 0.23%
US373334KU42 Georgia Power Co 5.36383% 08-MAY-2025 The Southern Company 0.12%
US378272AX69 Glencore Funding LLC 1.625% 01-SEP-2025 Glencore PLC 0.12%
US378272AL22 Glencore Funding LLC 4% 16-APR-2025 Glencore PLC 0.09%
US437076CM21 Home Depot Inc 15-APR-2025 The Home Depot 0.12%
US437076CY68 Home Depot Inc 5.09339% 24-DEC-2025 The Home Depot 0.09%
US437076CU47 Home Depot Inc 5.125% 30-APR-2025 The Home Depot 0.14%
US40434LAA35 HP Inc 2.2% 17-JUN-2025 HP Inc. 0.23%
US446413AS53 Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc 3.844% 01-MAY-2025 HII 0.10%
US458140BP43 Intel Corp 3.4% 25-MAR-2025 Intel 0.23%
US458140AS90 Intel Corp 3.7% 29-JUL-2025 Intel 0.30%
US459506AN18 International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 1.23% 01-OCT-2025 International Flavors & Fragrances 0.11%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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