Informationen zum Fonds
Name UniInstitutional Global Corporate Bonds
ISIN des Fonds DE0006352719
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • DE000A2N7V14
Typ des Fonds Anleihen
Fondsmanagement Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 30.09.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 296
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 1.073,57
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
US02209SBJ15 Altria Group Inc 3.4% 06-MAY-2030 Altria Group Inc. 0.33%
US037833EE62 Apple Inc 08-FEB-2041 Apple Inc 0.07%
US037833DW79 Apple Inc 2.65% 11-MAY-2050 Apple Inc 0.10%
US055451BA54 BHP Billiton Finance (USA) Ltd 28-FEB-2033 BHP Group Ltd 0.20%
US10373QBU31 BP Capital Markets America Inc 13-FEB-2033 BP plc 0.66%
US10373QBW96 BP Capital Markets America Inc 4.989% 10-APR-2034 BP plc 0.67%
XS2270147924 BP Capital Markets BV .933% 04-DEC-2040 BP plc 0.18%
XS2193663619 BP Capital Markets PLC 4.25% 29-JUN-2049 BP plc 0.29%
US191216CX63 Coca-Cola Co 2.6% 01-JUN-2050 Coca-Cola Co 0.44%
US191216DR86 Coca-Cola Co 5% 13-MAY-2034 Coca-Cola Co 0.05%
XS2852136063 Dsm BV 3.625% 02-JUL-2034 Koninklijke DSM N.V. 0.55%
FR0011697028 Electricite De France 5% 01-JAN-4000 Electricite de France SA (EDF Group) 0.01%
XS2312746345 Enel SpA 1.875% 31-DEC-2100 Enel SpA 0.63%
XS2228373671 Enel SpA 2.25% 29-MAR-2049 Enel SpA 0.38%
US29273RBG39 Energy Transfer LP 4.75% 15-JAN-2026 Energy Transfer LP 0.24%
US29273VBA70 Energy Transfer LP 5.6% 01-SEP-2034 Energy Transfer LP 0.21%
XS2716891440 Eph Financing International as 6.651% 13-NOV-2028 EP Investment Sarl 0.93%
US29446MAC64 Equinor ASA 3.25% 18-NOV-2049 Equinor ASA 0.23%
US85771PAL67 Equinor ASA 3.95% 15-MAY-2043 Equinor ASA 0.07%
US370334CX03 General Mills Inc 4.7% 30-JAN-2027 General Mills Inc. 0.19%
XS2852894679 Heineken NV 3.812% 04-JUL-2036 Heineken 0.60%
US487836BZ07 Kellanova 01-MAR-2033 Kellogg Co. 0.09%
XS2811886584 Kellanova 3.75% 16-MAY-2034 Kellogg Co. 0.25%
US49456BAS07 Kinder Morgan Inc 3.25% 01-AUG-2050 Kinder Morgan Inc 0.13%
US49456BAT89 Kinder Morgan Inc 3.6% 15-FEB-2051 Kinder Morgan Inc 0.51%
US501044BT76 Kroger Co 7.7% 01-JUN-2029 Kroger 0.28%
XS2778370051 METRO AG 4.625% 07-MAR-2029 Metro AG 0.47%
US636274AE20 National Grid PLC 5.809% 12-JUN-2033 National Grid plc 0.26%
US654744AD34 Nissan Motor Co Ltd 4.81% 17-SEP-2030 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 0.16%
US713448EU81 PepsiCo Inc 3.625% 19-MAR-2050 PepsiCo, Inc. 0.13%
XS2035473748 Philip Morris International Inc .125% 03-AUG-2026 Philip Morris International Inc. 0.35%
US718172DB29 Philip Morris International Inc 15-FEB-2033 Philip Morris International Inc. 0.21%
US718172CX57 Philip Morris International Inc 17-NOV-2032 Philip Morris International Inc. 0.13%
XS2837884746 Philip Morris International Inc 3.75% 15-JAN-2031 Philip Morris International Inc. 0.50%
US718172DH98 Philip Morris International Inc 5.125% 13-FEB-2031 Philip Morris International Inc. 0.07%
US718172DJ54 Philip Morris International Inc 5.25% 13-FEB-2034 Philip Morris International Inc. 0.07%
US720186AR65 Piedmont Natural Gas Company Inc 5.1% 15-FEB-2035 Duke Energy Corporation 0.20%
US816851BR98 Sempra 5.5% 01-AUG-2033 Sempra Energy 0.12%
XS1642641812 SGSP (Australia) Assets Pty Ltd 3.5% 07-JUL-2027 State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) 0.24%
US822582CH36 Shell International Finance BV 3.25% 06-APR-2050 Shell plc 0.12%
XS2387675395 Southern Co 15-SEP-2081 The Southern Company 0.30%
XS2439704318 SSE PLC SSE plc 0.31%
XS2776889995 Textron Inc 3.375% 01-MAR-2030 Honeywell International Inc. 0.77%
XS2290960876 TotalEnergies SE 2.125% TotalEnergies SE 0.37%
XS1195202822 TotalEnergies SE 2.625% TotalEnergies SE 0.18%
US96950FAK03 Williams Companies Inc 5.8% 15-NOV-2043 The Williams Companies Inc 0.25%
XS2054210252 Wintershall Dea Finance BV 1.332% 25-SEP-2028 Wintershall Dea AG 0.69%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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