Informationen zum Fonds
Name Allianz US Investment Grade Credit AT-USD
ISIN des Fonds LU2593588846
Typ des Fonds Anleihen
Fondsmanagement Allianz Global Investors GmbH
Anlageberater Voya Investment Management Co LLC
Kategorie ESG-Fonds (lt. Lipper)
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 8
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.10.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 676
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 463,05
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
US09261BAD29 Blackstone Holdings Finance Co LLC 2% 30-JAN-2032 Blackstone Inc 0.29%
US10373QBV14 BP Capital Markets America Inc 11-SEP-2033 BP plc 0.07%
US10373QBG47 BP Capital Markets America Inc 3% 24-FEB-2050 BP plc 0.06%
US10373QBW96 BP Capital Markets America Inc 4.989% 10-APR-2034 BP plc 0.05%
US12189LAZ40 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 3.9% 01-AUG-2046 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 0.10%
US12189LAK70 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 4.375% 01-SEP-2042 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 0.01%
US12189LAJ08 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 4.4% 15-MAR-2042 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 0.10%
US12189LAU52 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 4.55% 01-SEP-2044 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 0.07%
US12189LBK61 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 5.2% 15-APR-2054 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 0.11%
US16411QAG64 Cheniere Energy Partners LP 4.5% 01-OCT-2029 Cheniere Energy Inc 0.16%
US17275RBS04 Cisco Systems Inc 4.95% 26-FEB-2031 Cisco Systems Inc. 0.16%
US17275RBU59 Cisco Systems Inc 5.3% 26-FEB-2054 Cisco Systems Inc. 0.39%
US17275RBV33 Cisco Systems Inc 5.35% 26-FEB-2064 Cisco Systems Inc. 0.12%
US191216DZ03 Coca-Cola Co 5.2% 14-JAN-2055 Coca-Cola Co 0.14%
US191216DT43 Coca-Cola Co 5.4% 13-MAY-2064 Coca-Cola Co 0.07%
US126408HG14 CSX Corp 4.25% 01-NOV-2066 CSX Corp 0.05%
US126408HL09 CSX Corp 4.65% 01-MAR-2068 CSX Corp 0.09%
US247361ZW11 Delta Air Lines Inc 2.5% 10-DEC-2029 Delta Air Lines Inc. 0.00%
US25179MBG78 Devon Energy Corp 5.2% 15-SEP-2034 Devon Energy Corporation 0.14%
US25179MBH51 Devon Energy Corp 5.75% 15-SEP-2054 Devon Energy Corporation 0.10%
US25278XAT63 Diamondback Energy Inc 15-MAR-2052 Diamondback Energy Inc 0.13%
US25278XBB47 Diamondback Energy Inc 5.9% 18-APR-2064 Diamondback Energy Inc 0.10%
US260543DH36 Dow Chemical Co 15-MAY-2053 Dow Inc 0.01%
US26441CCG87 Duke Energy Corp 6.45% 01-SEP-2054 Duke Energy Corporation 0.10%
US26442UAC80 Duke Energy Progress LLC 3.7% 15-OCT-2046 Duke Energy Corporation 0.06%
US144141DD73 Duke Energy Progress LLC 4.1% 15-MAR-2043 Duke Energy Corporation 0.07%
US144141DB18 Duke Energy Progress LLC 4.1% 15-MAY-2042 Duke Energy Corporation 0.10%
US26442UAB08 Duke Energy Progress LLC 4.2% 15-AUG-2045 Duke Energy Corporation 0.10%
US29364GAQ64 Entergy Corp 7.125% 01-DEC-2054 Entergy Corporation 0.11%
US29379VBZ58 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 3.95% 31-JAN-2060 Enterprise Products Partners LP 0.15%
US29379VCF85 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 4.85% 31-JAN-2034 Enterprise Products Partners LP 0.08%
US29379VCG68 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 4.95% 15-FEB-2035 Enterprise Products Partners LP 0.12%
US29379VCH42 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 5.55% 16-FEB-2055 Enterprise Products Partners LP 0.09%
US29882DAA19 EUSHI Finance Inc 7.625% 15-DEC-2054 Emera Inc 0.10%
US30161NBJ90 Exelon Corp 5.15% 15-MAR-2028 Exelon Corp. 0.07%
US42809HAG20 Hess Corp 4.3% 01-APR-2027 Hess Corporation 0.20%
US437076CQ35 Home Depot Inc 15-APR-2052 The Home Depot 0.04%
US437076CT73 Home Depot Inc 15-SEP-2052 The Home Depot 0.04%
US437076CB65 Home Depot Inc 2.7% 15-APR-2030 The Home Depot 0.19%
US437076CC49 Home Depot Inc 3.3% 15-APR-2040 The Home Depot 0.08%
US45138LBK89 Idaho Power Co 5.2% 15-AUG-2034 IDACORP Inc 0.35%
US458140BU38 Intel Corp 12-AUG-2031 Intel 0.13%
US458140BV11 Intel Corp 12-AUG-2041 Intel 0.17%
US458140BH27 Intel Corp 2.45% 15-NOV-2029 Intel 0.11%
US458140CL20 Intel Corp 5.15% 21-FEB-2034 Intel 0.04%
US458140CM03 Intel Corp 5.6% 21-FEB-2054 Intel 0.15%
US458140CJ73 Intel Corp 5.7% 10-FEB-2053 Intel 0.16%
US458140CK47 Intel Corp 5.9% 10-FEB-2063 Intel 0.02%
US478160CR35 Johnson & Johnson 2.1% 01-SEP-2040 Johnson & Johnson 0.05%
US478160CF96 Johnson & Johnson 3.625% 03-MAR-2037 Johnson & Johnson 0.12%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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