Informationen zum Fonds
Name BlackRock EMs Alpha Tilts D USD Acc
ISIN des Fonds IE00BDZSCT22
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • IE00BDZSCV44
  • IE00BDZSCW50
  • IE00BDZSCX67
Typ des Fonds Aktien
Fondsmanagement BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.08.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 251
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 276,14
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
KR7002790004 Amorepacific Group ORD AmorePacific Corp 0.17%
ID1000122807 Astra International Tbk PT ORD Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd 0.22%
CNE100000296 BYD Co Ltd ORD BYD 0.30%
CNE100000312 Dongfeng Motor Group Co Ltd ORD Dongfeng Motor Group 0.05%
TW0002603008 Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd ORD Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd 0.05%
INE129A01019 Gail (India) Ltd ORD GAIL (India) Ltd 0.09%
KYG3777B1032 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd ORD Geely 0.55%
KR7267250009 HD Hyundai Co Ltd ORD HD Hyundai Co Ltd 0.02%
KR7009540006 HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co Ltd ORD Hyundai Heavy Industries 0.22%
TW0002317005 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd ORD Hon Hai Precision Industry (Foxconn) 1.26%
KR7005380001 Hyundai Motor Co ORD Hyundai Motor Company 0.14%
KR7000270009 Kia Corp ORD Kia Corporation 0.59%
TRAKCHOL91Q8 Koc Holding AS ORD Koc Holding 0.11%
KR7015760002 Korea Electric Power Corp ORD Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) 0.01%
KR7033780008 KT&G Corp ORD KT&G Corp. 0.29%
INE018A01030 Larsen and Toubro Ltd ORD Larsen & Toubro Ltd 0.97%
KR7051910008 LG Chem Ltd ORD LG Chem 0.26%
KR7001120005 LX International Corp ORD LX International Corp 0.11%
INE213A01029 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd ORD Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) 0.06%
INE274J01014 Oil India Ltd ORD Oil India Ltd 0.05%
CNE1000003W8 PetroChina Co Ltd ORD China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) 0.72%
US71654V1017 PETROLEO BRASILEIRO ADR REPSTG 2 PRF Petroleo Brasileiro SA – Petrobras 0.09%
INE347G01014 Petronet LNG Ltd ORD Petronet LNG Ltd 0.10%
MYL8869OO009 Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Bhd ORD Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Bhd 0.06%
TH0355010R16 PTT EXP & PROD NVDR PTT Public Company Ltd 0.79%
QA0006929812 Qatar Electricity and Water Company QPSC ORD Qatar Electricity & Water Company QPSC 0.04%
INE002A01018 Reliance Industries Ltd ORD Reliance Industries Ltd 0.68%
CNE000000TY6 SAIC Motor Corp Ltd ORD Saic Motor Corporation 0.07%
KR7005930003 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd ORD Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 3.94%
SA0007879121 Saudi Basic Industries Corporation SJSC ORD Saudi Basic Industries Corp. 0.93%
SA0007879550 Saudi Electricity Company SJSC ORD Public Investment Fund (PIF) 0.25%
INE155A01022 Tata Motors Ltd ORD Tata Motors 0.03%
MYL5347OO009 Tenaga Nasional Bhd ORD Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) 0.31%
CNE1000000D4 Weichai Power Co Ltd ORD Weichai Power Co Ltd 0.11%
CNE100000502 Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd ORD Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd. 0.26%

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