Informationen zum Fonds
Name Vanguard USD Em Mkts Govt Bd UCITS ETF USD Dis
ISIN des Fonds IE00BZ163L38
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • IE00BGYWCB81
Typ des Fonds ETF (Anleihen)
Fondsmanagement Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.10.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 1.339
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 1.018,38
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
XS2333388184 Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC 2% 29-APR-2028 Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company PJSC 0.04%
XS2333388937 Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC 3.4% 29-APR-2051 Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company PJSC 0.04%
XS2060897506 Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC 4% 03-OCT-2049 Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company PJSC 0.02%
XS1435072464 Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC 4.375% 22-JUN-2026 Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company PJSC 0.05%
XS2600246552 Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC 4.375% 24-JAN-2029 Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company PJSC 0.04%
XS1808738212 Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC 4.875% 23-APR-2030 Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company PJSC 0.06%
US00386SAB88 Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC 6.5% 27-OCT-2036 Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company PJSC 0.06%
XS2338173680 Abu Dhabi Ports Company PJSC 2.5% 06-MAY-2031 Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company PJSC 0.05%
USP22835AB13 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA 4.625% 04-FEB-2030 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (Eletrobras) 0.03%
USP2281VAA81 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA 6.5% 11-JAN-2035 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (Eletrobras) 0.05%
XS1733841735 CGNPC International Ltd 3.75% 11-DEC-2027 China General Nuclear Power Corporation 0.02%
XS1308339420 China Clean Energy Development Ltd 4% 05-NOV-2025 China General Nuclear Power Corporation 0.04%
XS2080206092 China Huaneng Group (Hong Kong) Treasury Management Holding Ltd 3% 10-DEC-2029 China Huaneng Group Co Ltd 0.03%
XS2244843210 China Huaneng Group (Hong Kong) Treasury Management Holding Ltd 3.08% China Huaneng Group Co Ltd 0.07%
XS2793946315 China Huaneng Group (Hong Kong) Treasury Management Holding Ltd 5.3% China Huaneng Group Co Ltd 0.03%
XS2340059794 Chinalco Capital Holdings Ltd 03-JUN-2026 Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd (CHALCO) 0.07%
XS2435557959 Chinalco Capital Holdings Ltd 24-FEB-2027 Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd (CHALCO) 0.02%
XS2870041410 Chinalco Capital Holdings Ltd 4.75% 14-FEB-2028 Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd (CHALCO) 0.03%
XS2109790001 CITIC Ltd 2.85% 25-FEB-2030 CITIC Group Corp 0.03%
XS2439108205 CITIC Ltd 2.875% 17-FEB-2027 CITIC Group Corp 0.04%
XS1431266920 CITIC Ltd 3.7% 14-JUN-2026 CITIC Group Corp 0.05%
XS1570263563 CITIC Ltd 3.875% 28-FEB-2027 CITIC Group Corp 0.04%
XS1743727130 CITIC Ltd 4% 11-JAN-2028 CITIC Group Corp 0.04%
US12623UAB17 CNOOC Finance (2012) Ltd 5% 02-MAY-2042 China National Offshore Oil Corporation 0.02%
US12591DAD30 CNOOC Finance (2014) ULC 4.875% 30-APR-2044 China National Offshore Oil Corporation 0.04%
US12634MAE03 CNOOC Finance (2015) USA LLC 4.375% 02-MAY-2028 China National Offshore Oil Corporation 0.06%
US12625GAF19 CNOOC Finance 2013 Ltd 2.875% 30-SEP-2029 China National Offshore Oil Corporation 0.07%
US12625GAG91 CNOOC Finance 2013 Ltd 3.3% 30-SEP-2049 China National Offshore Oil Corporation 0.04%
US12625GAD60 CNOOC Finance 2013 Ltd 4.25% 09-MAY-2043 China National Offshore Oil Corporation 0.03%
US65334HAG74 Cnooc Petroleum North America ULC 6.4% 15-MAY-2037 China National Offshore Oil Corporation 0.09%
XS2179918037 CNPC Global Capital Ltd 2% 23-JUN-2030 China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) 0.05%
USP29595AD08 Comision Federal De Electricidad EPE 3.348% 09-FEB-2031 Comision Federal de Electricidad EPE (CFE) 0.05%
USP30179AK43 Comision Federal De Electricidad EPE 5.75% 14-FEB-2042 Comision Federal de Electricidad EPE (CFE) 0.03%
US279158AP43 Ecopetrol SA 4.625% 02-NOV-2031 Ecopetrol SA 0.07%
US279158AJ82 Ecopetrol SA 5.875% 28-MAY-2045 Ecopetrol SA 0.09%
US279158AN94 Ecopetrol SA 6.875% 29-APR-2030 Ecopetrol SA 0.13%
US279158AV11 Ecopetrol SA 8.375% 19-JAN-2036 Ecopetrol SA 0.11%
US279158AT64 Ecopetrol SA 8.625% 19-JAN-2029 Ecopetrol SA 0.08%
US279158AS81 Ecopetrol SA 8.875% 13-JAN-2033 Ecopetrol SA 0.15%
USP37110AS59 Empresa Nacional Del Petroleo 6.15% 10-MAY-2033 Empresa Nacional del Petroleo (ENAP) 0.04%
XS2010027709 Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd 4.314% 23-JUL-2027 Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 0.04%
XS1864523300 Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd 6.35% 10-AUG-2028 Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 0.06%
XS1864522757 Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd 8.45% 10-AUG-2028 Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 0.04%
XS1637846616 Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd 4% 12-JUL-2027 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) 0.02%
IL0060004004 Israel Electric Corp Ltd 22-FEB-2032 The Israel Electric Corporation Ltd 0.03%
IL0060002446 Israel Electric Corp Ltd 4.25% 14-AUG-2028 The Israel Electric Corporation Ltd 0.05%
USY4899GEG48 Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co Ltd 27-APR-2026 Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) 0.02%
XS2600704956 Korea Mine Rehabilitation and Mineral Resources Corp 5.375% 11-MAY-2028 Korea Mine Rehabilitation and Mineral Resources Corp 0.03%
US50066AAD54 KoreaGasCorp 6.25% 20-JAN-2042 Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) 0.04%
XS2348658035 MDGH GMTN (RSC) Ltd 2.5% 03-JUN-2031 Mubadala Investment Company PJSC 0.04%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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