Informationen zum Fonds
Name iShares ESGScrnd Glbl Corp Bd Idx Flex Acc USD
ISIN des Fonds IE00BNDQ8C32
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
Typ des Fonds Anleihen
Fondsmanagement BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd
Anlageberater BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd
Kategorie ESG-Fonds (lt. Lipper)
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) Artikel 8
Abrufdatum 25.09.2023
Portfolio-Datum 31.05.2023
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 7.804
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 1.157,53
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
XS1054534422 Walmart Inc 2.55% 08-APR-2026 Walmart 0.01%
US931142EL30 Walmart Inc 2.85% 08-JUL-2024 Walmart 0.02%
US931142EP44 Walmart Inc 2.95% 24-SEP-2049 Walmart N/A
US931142ES82 Walmart Inc 22-SEP-2028 Walmart 0.02%
US931142EU39 Walmart Inc 22-SEP-2041 Walmart 0.02%
US931142EV12 Walmart Inc 22-SEP-2051 Walmart 0.01%
US931142EM13 Walmart Inc 3.05% 08-JUL-2026 Walmart 0.01%
US931142EN95 Walmart Inc 3.25% 08-JUL-2029 Walmart 0.01%
US931142DP52 Walmart Inc 3.3% 22-APR-2024 Walmart 0.02%
US931142ED14 Walmart Inc 3.55% 26-JUN-2025 Walmart N/A
US931142DW04 Walmart Inc 3.625% 15-DEC-2047 Walmart N/A
US931142EE96 Walmart Inc 3.7% 26-JUN-2028 Walmart 0.02%
US931142FB49 Walmart Inc 3.9% 15-APR-2028 Walmart 0.02%
US931142EX77 Walmart Inc 3.95% 09-SEP-2027 Walmart 0.01%
US931142EB57 Walmart Inc 3.95% 28-JUN-2038 Walmart 0.01%
US931142DG53 Walmart Inc 4% 11-APR-2043 Walmart N/A
US931142FA65 Walmart Inc 4% 15-APR-2026 Walmart 0.02%
US931142EC31 Walmart Inc 4.05% 29-JUN-2048 Walmart 0.01%
US931142FD05 Walmart Inc 4.1% 15-APR-2033 Walmart 0.02%
US931142EY50 Walmart Inc 4.15% 09-SEP-2032 Walmart 0.03%
US931142FE87 Walmart Inc 4.5% 15-APR-2053 Walmart 0.02%
XS0453133950 Walmart Inc 4.875% 21-SEP-2029 Walmart 0.01%
US931142CB75 Walmart Inc 5.25% 01-SEP-2035 Walmart 0.01%
XS0202077953 Walmart Inc 5.25% 28-SEP-2035 Walmart 0.01%
XS0419834931 Walmart Inc 5.625% 27-MAR-2034 Walmart 0.01%
XS0121617517 Walmart Inc 5.75% 19-DEC-2030 Walmart N/A
US931142CM31 Walmart Inc 6.2% 15-APR-2038 Walmart 0.02%
US931142CK74 Walmart Inc 6.5% 15-AUG-2037 Walmart 0.01%
US958667AB34 Western Midstream Operating LP 3.1% 01-FEB-2025 Occidental Petroleum Corporation 0.03%
US958667AA50 Western Midstream Operating LP 5.25% 01-FEB-2050 Occidental Petroleum Corporation 0.01%
US958667AE72 Western Midstream Operating LP 6.15% 01-APR-2033 Occidental Petroleum Corporation 0.01%
XS2028104037 Westlake Corp 1.625% 17-JUL-2029 Westlake Chemical Corporation 0.01%
US960413AY89 Westlake Corp 15-AUG-2041 Westlake Chemical Corporation 0.01%
US960413AZ54 Westlake Corp 15-AUG-2051 Westlake Chemical Corporation 0.01%
US960413AT94 Westlake Corp 3.6% 15-AUG-2026 Westlake Chemical Corporation N/A
US960413AU67 Westlake Corp 4.375% 15-NOV-2047 Westlake Chemical Corporation N/A
US960413AS12 Westlake Corp 5% 15-AUG-2046 Westlake Chemical Corporation N/A
US969457CJ76 Williams Companies Inc 15-MAR-2033 The Williams Companies Inc 0.01%
US969457BY52 Williams Companies Inc 2.6% 15-MAR-2031 The Williams Companies Inc 0.05%
US969457BX79 Williams Companies Inc 3.5% 15-NOV-2030 The Williams Companies Inc 0.01%
US969457BW96 Williams Companies Inc 4.55% 24-JUN-2024 The Williams Companies Inc N/A
US969457BZ28 Williams Companies Inc 4.65% 15-AUG-2032 The Williams Companies Inc 0.02%
US969457CA67 Williams Companies Inc 5.3% 15-AUG-2052 The Williams Companies Inc 0.01%
US969457CH11 Williams Companies Inc 5.4% 02-MAR-2026 The Williams Companies Inc 0.03%
US969457BV14 Williams Companies Inc 5.75% 24-JUN-2044 The Williams Companies Inc 0.01%
US96949LAD73 Williams Partners LP 3.75% 15-JUN-2027 The Williams Companies Inc 0.01%
US96949LAE56 Williams Partners LP 4.85% 01-MAR-2048 The Williams Companies Inc 0.01%
US96950FAP99 Williams Partners LP 4.9% 15-JAN-2045 The Williams Companies Inc N/A
US96949LAC90 Williams Partners LP 5.1% 15-SEP-2045 The Williams Companies Inc 0.01%
US96950FAK03 Williams Partners LP 5.8% 15-NOV-2043 The Williams Companies Inc N/A

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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