Informationen zum Fonds
Name iShares US Corporate Bd Idx (IE) D USD Acc
ISIN des Fonds IE00BD0NC706
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
Typ des Fonds Anleihen
Fondsmanagement BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.08.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 5.804
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 1.341,76
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
US816851BR98 Sempra 5.5% 01-AUG-2033 Sempra Energy 0.01%
US816851AP42 Sempra 6% 15-OCT-2039 Sempra Energy 0.01%
US816851BS71 Sempra 6.875% 01-OCT-2054 Sempra Energy 0.01%
XS1457527015 SGSP (Australia) Assets Pty Ltd 3.25% 29-JUL-2026 State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) 0.01%
US822582CD22 Shell International Finance BV 2.375% 07-NOV-2029 Shell plc 0.02%
US822582BX94 Shell International Finance BV 2.5% 12-SEP-2026 Shell plc 0.01%
US822582CG52 Shell International Finance BV 2.75% 06-APR-2030 Shell plc 0.02%
US822582BT82 Shell International Finance BV 2.875% 10-MAY-2026 Shell plc 0.01%
US822582CK64 Shell International Finance BV 2.875% 26-NOV-2041 Shell plc 0.01%
US822582CL48 Shell International Finance BV 3% 26-NOV-2051 Shell plc 0.01%
US822582CE05 Shell International Finance BV 3.125% 07-NOV-2049 Shell plc 0.01%
US822582CH36 Shell International Finance BV 3.25% 06-APR-2050 Shell plc 0.02%
US822582AT91 Shell International Finance BV 3.625% 21-AUG-2042 Shell plc 0.02%
US822582BY77 Shell International Finance BV 3.75% 12-SEP-2046 Shell plc 0.01%
US822582CB65 Shell International Finance BV 3.875% 13-NOV-2028 Shell plc 0.02%
US822582BQ44 Shell International Finance BV 4% 10-MAY-2046 Shell plc 0.01%
US822582BE14 Shell International Finance BV 4.125% 11-MAY-2035 Shell plc 0.03%
US822582BF88 Shell International Finance BV 4.375% 11-MAY-2045 Shell plc 0.03%
US822582AY86 Shell International Finance BV 4.55% 12-AUG-2043 Shell plc 0.01%
US822582AN22 Shell International Finance BV 5.5% 25-MAR-2040 Shell plc 0.01%
US822582AD40 Shell International Finance BV 6.375% 15-DEC-2038 Shell plc 0.03%
US826418BM64 Sierra Pacific Power Co 2.6% 01-MAY-2026 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company 0.01%
US842434CW01 Southern California Gas Co 2.95% 15-APR-2027 Sempra Energy 0.01%
US842434CK62 Southern California Gas Co 3.75% 15-SEP-2042 Sempra Energy 0.01%
US842434CT71 Southern California Gas Co 3.95% 15-FEB-2050 Sempra Energy 0.01%
US842434CZ32 Southern California Gas Co 5.2% 01-JUN-2033 Sempra Energy 0.01%
US842434CY66 Southern California Gas Co 5.75% 01-JUN-2053 Sempra Energy 0.01%
US842587DJ36 Southern Co 15-SEP-2051 The Southern Company 0.01%
US842587CW55 Southern Co 4.25% 01-JUL-2036 The Southern Company 0.02%
US842587DQ78 Southern Co 4.85% 15-JUN-2028 The Southern Company 0.02%
US842587DD65 Southern Co 5.113% 01-AUG-2027 The Southern Company 0.02%
US842587DM64 Southern Co 5.15% 06-OCT-2025 The Southern Company 0.01%
US842587DS35 Southern Co 5.5% 15-MAR-2029 The Southern Company 0.02%
US842587DL81 Southern Co 5.7% 15-OCT-2032 The Southern Company 0.01%
US8426EPAD09 Southern Company Gas Capital Corp 1.75% 15-JAN-2031 The Southern Company 0.01%
US8426EPAB43 Southern Company Gas Capital Corp 3.95% 01-OCT-2046 The Southern Company 0.01%
US845437BS08 Southwestern Electric Power Co 1.65% 15-MAR-2026 American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) 0.02%
US845437BQ42 Southwestern Electric Power Co 3.85% 01-FEB-2048 American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) 0.01%
US845437BR25 Southwestern Electric Power Co 4.1% 15-SEP-2028 American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) 0.01%
US845437BL54 Southwestern Electric Power Co 6.2% 15-MAR-2040 American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) 0.01%
US855244AW96 Starbucks Corp 2.25% 12-MAR-2030 Starbucks 0.01%
US855244AK58 Starbucks Corp 2.45% 15-JUN-2026 Starbucks 0.02%
US855244AZ28 Starbucks Corp 2.55% 15-NOV-2030 Starbucks 0.02%
US855244BC24 Starbucks Corp 3% 14-FEB-2032 Starbucks 0.01%
US855244AP46 Starbucks Corp 3.5% 01-MAR-2028 Starbucks 0.01%
US855244BA67 Starbucks Corp 3.5% 15-NOV-2050 Starbucks 0.01%
US855244AT67 Starbucks Corp 3.55% 15-AUG-2029 Starbucks 0.02%
US855244AM15 Starbucks Corp 3.75% 01-DEC-2047 Starbucks 0.02%
US855244AU31 Starbucks Corp 4.45% 15-AUG-2049 Starbucks 0.01%
XS2352275171 Sumitomo Corp 1.55% 06-JUL-2026 Sumitomo Corporation 0.02%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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