Informationen zum Fonds
Name iShares MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETF USD (Acc)
ISIN des Fonds IE00BF4RFH31
Typ des Fonds ETF (Aktien)
Fondsmanagement BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd
Anlageberater BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) Artikel 6
Abrufdatum 29.04.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.03.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 3.386
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 3.150,15
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
US3647601083 Gap Inc ORD Gap 0.08%
US4026355028 Gulfport Energy Corp ORD Gulfport Energy Corporation 0.03%
US4052171000 Hain Celestial Group Inc ORD Hain Celestial Group 0.01%
GB00BMBVGQ36 Harbour Energy PLC ORD Harbour Energy plc 0.04%
CA4220961078 Headwater Exploration Inc ORD Headwater Exploration Inc 0.01%
DE000HAG0005 Hensoldt AG ORD Hensoldt 0.03%
JP3850200001 Hokkaido Electric Power Company Incorporated ORD Hokkaido Electric Power Co Inc 0.01%
JP3845400005 Hokuriku Electric Power Co ORD Hokuriku Electric Power Co 0.01%
US4511071064 Idacorp Inc ORD IDACORP Inc 0.07%
JP3134800006 IHI Corp ORD IHI Corp. 0.06%
ES0118594417 Indra Sistemas SA ORD Indra 0.04%
CA46016U1084 International Petroleum Corp ORD International Petroleum Corporation (IPC) 0.02%
IT0003027817 Iren SpA ORD Iren SpA 0.02%
NL0015000LU4 Iveco Group NV ORD Iveco Group 0.04%
JP3421100003 Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd ORD Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd (JAPEX) 0.03%
JP3224200000 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd ORD Kawasaki Heavy Industries 0.06%
US48242W1062 KBR Inc ORD KBR, Inc. 0.11%
SG9999012629 Kenon Holdings Ltd ORD Kenon Holdings Ltd 0.02%
JP3244800003 Kewpie Corp ORD Kewpie Corp. 0.02%
US5002551043 Kohls Corp ORD Kohl's 0.04%
NL0009432491 Koninklijke Vopak NV ORD Royal Vopak NV 0.03%
US5006881065 Kosmos Energy Ltd ORD Kosmos Energy Ltd 0.04%
JP3246400000 Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc ORD Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc 0.04%
US5339001068 Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc ORD Lincoln Electric System 0.18%
US55616P1049 Macy's Inc ORD Macy's 0.08%
US5596631094 Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp ORD Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation 0.07%
GB0031274896 Marks and Spencer Group PLC ORD Marks & Spencer Group 0.09%
US5764852050 Matador Resources Co ORD Matador Resources Company 0.10%
US5526901096 MDU Resources Group Inc ORD MDU Resources Group Inc 0.06%
DE000BFB0019 METRO AG ORD Metro AG 0.02%
US55277P1049 MGE Energy Inc ORD MGE Energy Inc 0.04%
IL0010811656 Migdal Insurance and Financial Holdings Ltd ORD Migdal Insurance and Financial Holdings Ltd 0.01%
IL0002260193 Mivne Real Estate KD Ltd ORD Mivne Real Estate KD Ltd 0.02%
US6267171022 Murphy Oil Corp ORD Murphy Oil Corporation 0.08%
US6361801011 National Fuel Gas Co ORD National Fuel Gas Company 0.06%
US6443931000 New Fortress Energy Inc ORD New Fortress Energy Inc 0.03%
AU000000NHC7 New Hope Corporation Ltd ORD Washington H Soul Pattinson and Co Ltd 0.02%
JP3721600009 Nippon Paper Industries Co Ltd ORD Nippon Paper Industries Co. Ltd. 0.01%
JP3677200002 Nisshin OilliO Group Ltd ORD Nisshin OilliO Group Ltd. 0.00%
US6655313079 Northern Oil and Gas Inc ORD Northern Oil and Gas Inc 0.05%
US6680743050 NorthWestern Energy Group Inc ORD NorthWestern Corp 0.04%
CA66987E2069 NovaGold Resources Inc ORD NOVAGOLD Resources Inc 0.01%
CA67072Q1046 Nuvista Energy Ltd ORD NuVista Energy Ltd 0.02%
US6708371033 OGE Energy Corp ORD OGE Energy Corp 0.09%
JP3174410005 Oji Holdings Corp ORD Oji Holdings Corp 0.02%
JP3194700005 Okinawa Electric Power Co Inc ORD Okinawa Electric Power Co Inc 0.01%
IL0011415713 OPC Energy Ltd ORD Kenon Holdings Ltd 0.02%
US6882392011 Oshkosh Corp ORD Oshkosh Corp. 0.11%
US6896481032 Otter Tail Corp ORD Otter Tail Corp 0.04%
CA6993202069 Paramount Resources Ltd ORD Paramount Resources Ltd 0.02%

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Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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