Informationen zum Fonds
Name Apollo Nachhaltig Emerging Market Equity (A)
ISIN des Fonds AT0000826086
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • AT0000746904
  • AT0000A2UX00
  • AT0000A2UX18
Typ des Fonds Aktien
Fondsmanagement Security Kapitalanlage Aktiengesellschaft
Anlageberater Security Kapitalanlage Aktiengesellschaft
Kategorie FNG-Siegelfonds, ESG-Fonds (lt. Lipper)
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 8
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.08.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 411
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 25,53
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
INE742F01042 Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd ORD Adani Group 0.10%
INE079A01024 Ambuja Cements Ltd ORD Adani Group 0.10%
KR7002790004 Amorepacific Group ORD AmorePacific Corp 0.09%
TW0001102002 Asia Cement Corp ORD Asia Cement Corporation 0.08%
PHY0486V1154 Ayala Corp ORD Ayala Corporation 0.08%
BRBPACUNT006 Banco BTG Pactual SA BTG Pactual G7 Holding SA 0.12%
INE029A01011 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd ORD Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd 0.26%
BRBRKMACNPA4 Braskem SA Braskem S.A. 0.06%
MXP225611567 Cemex SAB de CV Cemex SAB de CV 0.22%
BMG2113B1081 China Resources Gas Group Ltd ORD China Resources Co Ltd 0.16%
TW0002002003 China Steel Corp ORD China Steel Corp. 0.09%
KR7097950000 CJ CheilJedang Corp ORD CJ Cheiljedang Corporation 0.12%
BRCSANACNOR6 Cosan SA ORD Cosan SA 0.12%
TW0002603008 Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd ORD Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd 0.22%
TW0001402006 Far Eastern New Century Corp ORD Far Eastern New Century 0.13%
TW0001326007 Formosa Chemicals and Fibre Corp ORD Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation 0.08%
TW0001301000 Formosa Plastics Corp ORD Formosa Plastics Corporation 0.06%
KYG3777B1032 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd ORD Geely 0.26%
MXP495211262 Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV ORD Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV 0.13%
KR7009830001 Hanwha Solutions Corp ORD Hanwha Chemical 0.09%
INE038A01020 Hindalco Industries Ltd ORD Hindalco Industries Ltd 0.17%
INE094A01015 Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd ORD Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) 0.39%
KR7000720003 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd ORD Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd 0.07%
KR7005380001 Hyundai Motor Co ORD Hyundai Motor Company 0.45%
INE242A01010 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd ORD Indian Oil Corporation Ltd 0.43%
KR7000270009 Kia Corp ORD Kia Corporation 0.43%
BMG5320C1082 Kunlun Energy Company Ltd ORD China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) 0.19%
KYG5427W1309 Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd ORD Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd 0.05%
KYG5496K1242 Li Ning Co Ltd ORD Li Ning Co Ltd 0.11%
KR7011170008 Lotte Chemical Corp ORD Lotte Chemical Corp. 0.07%
GRS393503008 Metlen Energy & Metals AE ORD Metlen Energy & Metals SA 0.15%
HU0000153937 MOL Magyar Olaj es Gazipari Nyrt ORD MOL NyRt 0.09%
TW0001303006 Nan Ya Plastics Corp ORD Nan Ya Plastics Corporation 0.13%
BMG653181005 Nine Dragons Paper (Holdings) Ltd ORD Nine Dragons Paper (Holdings) Ltd 0.02%
PLPKN0000018 Orlen SA ORD ORLEN SA 0.08%
INE761H01022 Page Industries Ltd ORD Page Industries Ltd 0.09%
ID1000111602 Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk PT ORD PT Pertamina (Persero) 0.09%
MYL5183OO008 PETRONAS Chemicals Group Bhd ORD Petroliam Nasional Bhd 0.16%
INE347G01014 Petronet LNG Ltd ORD Petronet LNG Ltd 0.14%
MYL8869OO009 Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Bhd ORD Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Bhd 0.18%
TH0355A10Z12 PTT Exploration and Production PCL ORD PTT Public Company Ltd 0.23%
TH0646010Z18 PTT PCL ORD PTT Public Company Ltd 0.21%
INE002A01018 Reliance Industries Ltd ORD Reliance Industries Ltd 0.56%
ZAE000006896 Sasol Ltd ORD Sasol Ltd 0.16%
TH0003010Z12 Siam Cement PCL ORD Siam Cement Group 0.13%
BRSUZBACNOR0 Suzano SA ORD Suzano SA 0.11%
INE155A01022 Tata Motors Ltd ORD Tata Motors 0.26%
BRUGPAACNOR8 Ultrapar Participacoes SA ORD Ultrapar Participacoes SA 0.19%
INE481G01011 UltraTech Cement Ltd ORD UltraTech Cement Ltd 0.21%
CNE1000004Y2 ZTE Corp ORD ZTE Corp. 0.23%

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