Informationen zum Fonds
Name iShares Oil & Gas Exploratn & Prod UCITS ETF USD A
ISIN des Fonds IE00B6R51Z18
Typ des Fonds ETF (Aktien)
Fondsmanagement BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd
Anlageberater BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) Artikel 6
Abrufdatum 29.04.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.03.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 91
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 307,78
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
CA00791P1071 Advantage Energy Ltd ORD Advantage Energy Ltd 0.16%
NO0010345853 Aker BP ASA ORD Aker BP ASA 1.02%
US03674X1063 Antero Resources Corp ORD Antero Resources Corporation 1.08%
US03743Q1085 APA Corp (US) ORD APA Corporation 1.38%
CA00208D4084 ARC Resources Ltd ORD ARC Resources Ltd 1.41%
CA04682R1073 Athabasca Oil Corp ORD Athabasca Oil Corporation 0.29%
CA07317Q1054 Baytex Energy Corp ORD Baytex Energy Corp 0.31%
AU000000BPT9 Beach Energy Ltd ORD Beach Energy Ltd 0.25%
CA0906971035 Birchcliff Energy Ltd ORD Birchcliff Energy Ltd 0.14%
US13057Q3056 California Resources Corp ORD California Resources Corporation 0.47%
US13123X5086 Callon Petroleum Co ORD Callon Petroleum Company 0.26%
CA1363851017 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd ORD Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL) 9.78%
US1651677353 Chesapeake Energy Corp ORD Chesapeake Energy Corporation 1.30%
US6742152076 Chord Energy Corp ORD Chord Energy Corporation 0.97%
US17888H1032 Civitas Resources Inc ORD Civitas Resources Inc 0.86%
US12653C1080 CNX Resources Corp ORD CNX Resources Corporation 0.47%
US2057683029 Comstock Resources Inc ORD Comstock Resources Inc 0.12%
US20825C1045 Conocophillips ORD ConocoPhillips 10.46%
US1270971039 Coterra Energy Inc ORD Coterra Energy Inc 2.77%
CA22576C1014 Crescent Point Energy Corp ORD Crescent Point Energy Corp 0.63%
IL0010841281 Delek Group Ltd ORD Delek Group Ltd 0.16%
US25179M1036 Devon Energy Corp ORD Devon Energy Corporation 4.24%
US25278X1090 Diamondback Energy Inc ORD Diamondback Energy Inc 4.68%
GB00BG12Y042 Energean PLC ORD Energean plc 0.22%
CA2927661025 Enerplus Corp ORD Enerplus Corporation 0.52%
US26875P1012 EOG Resources Inc ORD EOG Resources Inc 9.84%
US26884L1098 EQT Corp ORD EQT Corporation 2.01%
US4026355028 Gulfport Energy Corp ORD Gulfport Energy Corporation 0.20%
GB00BMBVGQ36 Harbour Energy PLC ORD Harbour Energy plc 0.26%
CA4220961078 Headwater Exploration Inc ORD Headwater Exploration Inc 0.16%
US42809H1077 Hess Corp ORD Hess Corporation 5.55%
JP3294460005 Inpex Corp ORD INPEX Corporation 1.87%
CA46016U1084 International Petroleum Corp ORD International Petroleum Corporation (IPC) 0.13%
JP3421100003 Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd ORD Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd (JAPEX) 0.19%
US5006881065 Kosmos Energy Ltd ORD Kosmos Energy Ltd 0.36%
US5596631094 Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp ORD Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation 0.64%
US5658491064 Marathon Oil Corp ORD Marathon Oil Corporation 2.19%
US5764852050 Matador Resources Co ORD Matador Resources Company 0.98%
CA5527041084 MEG Energy Corp ORD MEG Energy Corp 0.84%
US6267171022 Murphy Oil Corp ORD Murphy Oil Corporation 0.88%
US6655313079 Northern Oil and Gas Inc ORD Northern Oil and Gas Inc 0.48%
CA67072Q1046 Nuvista Energy Ltd ORD NuVista Energy Ltd 0.19%
US69047Q1022 Ovintiv Inc ORD Ovintiv Inc 1.73%
CA6993202069 Paramount Resources Ltd ORD Paramount Resources Ltd 0.21%
CA69946Q1046 Parex Resources Inc ORD Parex Resources Inc 0.22%
US71424F1057 Permian Resources Corp ORD Permian Resources Corporation 1.08%
CA7170461064 Peyto Exploration & Development Corp ORD Peyto Exploration and Development Corp 0.28%
US7237871071 Pioneer Natural Resources Co ORD Pioneer Natural Resources Company 8.10%
US75281A1097 Range Resources Corp ORD Range Resources Corporation 1.10%
AU000000STO6 Santos Ltd ORD Santos Ltd 2.17%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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