Informationen zum Fonds
Name JPM BetaBuilders US Small Cap Eq UCITS ETF USD Acc
ISIN des Fonds IE000JNKVS10
ISINs weiterer Anteilsklassen
  • IE0001O84583
Typ des Fonds ETF (Aktien)
Fondsmanagement JPMorgan Asset Management Europe SARL
Klassifizierung nach SFDR (lt. Lipper) 6
Abrufdatum 16.12.2024
Portfolio-Datum 31.10.2024
Anzahl Einzelpositionen 1.377
Gesamtvolumen des Fonds (in Mio €) 206,13
Gesamthöhe kontroverser Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Kontroverse Beteiligungen
ISIN Einzelposition im Fonds Unternehmen Konflikte Gewichtung im Fonds
IE00BD845X29 Adient PLC ORD Adient 0.03%
US0185223007 ALLETE Inc ORD ALLETE Inc 0.07%
US01973R1014 Allison Transmission Holdings Inc ORD Allison Transmission 0.18%
US0207641061 Alpha Metallurgical Resources Inc ORD Alpha Metallurgical Resources Inc 0.04%
US02376R1023 American Airlines Group Inc ORD American Airlines Group 0.15%
US03674X1063 Antero Resources Corp ORD Antero Resources Corporation 0.14%
US03940R1077 Arch Resources Inc ORD Arch Resources Inc 0.05%
US05379B1070 Avista Corp ORD Avista Corp 0.06%
US0921131092 Black Hills Corp ORD Black Hills Corp 0.08%
US05605H1005 BWX Technologies Inc ORD BWX Technologies Inc. 0.21%
US1271903049 CACI International Inc ORD CACI International 0.23%
US13057Q3056 California Resources Corp ORD California Resources Corporation 0.06%
VGG1890L1076 Capri Holdings Ltd ORD Capri Holdings 0.04%
US6742152076 Chord Energy Corp ORD Chord Energy Corporation 0.15%
US17888H1032 Civitas Resources Inc ORD Civitas Resources Inc 0.07%
US12653C1080 CNX Resources Corp ORD CNX Resources Corporation 0.10%
US2057683029 Comstock Resources Inc ORD Comstock Resources Inc 0.02%
US20854L1089 CONSOL Energy Inc ORD CONSOL Energy Inc 0.06%
US2220702037 Coty Inc ORD Coty Inc 0.05%
US1651677353 Expand Energy Corp ORD Chesapeake Energy Corporation 0.32%
US3434121022 Fluor Corp ORD Fluor Corp. 0.17%
US3647601083 Gap Inc ORD Gap 0.09%
US4026355028 Gulfport Energy Corp ORD Gulfport Energy Corporation 0.03%
US4511071064 Idacorp Inc ORD IDACORP Inc 0.10%
US48242W1062 KBR Inc ORD KBR, Inc. 0.17%
US5002551043 Kohls Corp ORD Kohl's 0.04%
US5006881065 Kosmos Energy Ltd ORD Kosmos Energy Ltd 0.03%
US5218652049 Lear Corp ORD Lear Corp. 0.10%
US55616P1049 Macy's Inc ORD Macy's 0.08%
US5596631094 Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp ORD Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation 0.08%
US5764852050 Matador Resources Co ORD Matador Resources Company 0.12%
US5526901096 MDU Resources Group Inc ORD MDU Resources Group Inc 0.10%
US55277P1049 MGE Energy Inc ORD MGE Energy Inc 0.06%
US6267171022 Murphy Oil Corp ORD Murphy Oil Corporation 0.09%
US6361801011 National Fuel Gas Co ORD National Fuel Gas Company 0.10%
US6443931000 New Fortress Energy Inc ORD New Fortress Energy Inc 0.02%
US65342K1051 NextDecade Corp ORD NextDecade Corporation 0.01%
US6655313079 Northern Oil and Gas Inc ORD Northern Oil and Gas Inc 0.06%
US6680743050 NorthWestern Energy Group Inc ORD NorthWestern Corp 0.06%
US6708371033 OGE Energy Corp ORD OGE Energy Corp 0.15%
US6882392011 Oshkosh Corp ORD Oshkosh Corp. 0.13%
US6896481032 Otter Tail Corp ORD Otter Tail Corp 0.06%
US69047Q1022 Ovintiv Inc ORD Ovintiv Inc 0.20%
US69318G1067 PBF Energy Inc ORD PBF Energy 0.06%
US7045511000 Peabody Energy Corp ORD Peabody Energy Corp 0.06%
US71424F1057 Permian Resources Corp ORD Permian Resources Corporation 0.16%
US7234841010 Pinnacle West Capital Corp ORD Pinnacle West Capital Corp 0.19%
US7365088472 Portland General Electric Co ORD Portland General Electric Co 0.09%
US6936561009 PVH Corp ORD PVH 0.11%
US7512121010 Ralph Lauren Corp ORD Ralph Lauren Corporation 0.15%

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Wir möchten auch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass insbesondere Fonds, deren Belastung mit 0% angegeben ist, dennoch in kontroverse Unternehmen investiert sein können, die unsere Quellen derzeit nicht abdecken.
Außerdem: Die Zusammensetzung der Fonds kann sich seit unserer letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben. Bitte beachten Sie dazu das jeweilige Portfolio-Datum!

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